Learning Objectives
In the Justice and Peace Studies program, we strive to help students cultivate core values and skills in the field. In the document below, we enumerate some of these attributes and key them to particular courses in the program. (Course descriptions can be found HERE.) We view these learning objectives (grouped around nodes of Knowledge, Skills, Values, Experience, and Vision) as a baseline for students’ experience in the program, and not as a limit or ceiling. Embedded in these objectives are sub-objectives consistent with our philosophy of student-centered, community-based, personalized learning, including: high levels of achievement; substantive interactions with faculty and peers; authentic experiences with diverse perspectives; reflection and integration of knowledge; experiential immersion; public demonstrations of competence in the field.

- All of our courses meet each of these objectives on some level; these designations indicate where an objective is specifically met.
- A full listing of JUPS courses and descriptions can be found here.
- Embedded in these objectives are sub-objectives consistent with our philosophy of student-centered, community-based, personalized learning, including: high levels of achievement; substantive interactions with faculty and peers; authentic experiences with diverse perspectives; reflection and integration of knowledge; experiential immersion; public demonstrations of competence in the field.