Minor Requirements

The minor in Justice and Peace is a 6-course undergraduate endeavor. The requirements include three foundational courses; three JUPS/Cross listed JUPS electives ( at least one must be from JUPS core electives) ; and a community-based learning component that can be met through taking a CBL course ( see my access for a full list of course offerings) or completion of the one credit (UNXD-130).

Foundational Courses (3 courses total)

Introduction to Justice and Peace (JUPS 123)-offered every semester and online in summer

Nonviolence in Theory and Practice (JUPS 202)-offered every semester

Conflict Transformation (JUPS 271)-offered every semester

Electives (3 courses total)

Students will take three courses chosen from core JUPS electives or courses cross-listed with JUPS (see my access for updated list every semester). Examples of current and potential JUPS core electives include:

JUPS has a long history of collaboration with other academic departments at Georgetown, including African American Studies, Philosophy, Psychology, Theology, Government, SFS, Business, Sociology, Anthropology, Women’s and Gender Studies, History, Nursing and Health Sciences, and others. Following is a brief list of cross-listed courses that JUPS has designated in the past as potential electives ( see my access for a full list of cross listed courses):

Service Learning Requirement

Students are required to satisfy a Service Learning Requirement through either a Community-Based Learning course ( CBL courses can be found in my access), enrolling in the Georgetown in Capetown summer Program or the UNXD-130 Social Action