JUPS Student Support

 “JUPS students” includes all currently enrolled majors and minors in the program. Non-degree students in JUPS courses and JUPS alumni may also be considered part of this designation, depending on the specific request being made or assistance being sought. In all respects, JUPS students should strive to uphold and further the mission and values of the program. In so doing, JUPS students will receive ongoing, personalized assistance from the JUPS faculty to promote their success in the program. As part of this, the program offers forms of student support including:

JUPS Student Research and Travel Fund. To provide additional support to JUPS students, the Program will evaluate on a case to case basis a limited stipend for activities such as travel expenses, workshop, conference presentation, unpaid internships, research related travel, etc. To be considered for the fund, students must complete a Google Form which will be linked below.

JUPS Student Research and Travel Fund

Advising and mentorship. JUPS students may draw upon current faculty, staff, and others associated with the program for assistance with advising and mentorship. JUPS core faculty members provide regular advising as to degree planning, course guidance, letters of support, academic consultation, and other professional development opportunities for students.

Student Research. JUPS students are engaged in research and scholarship in their classes as well as opportunities to conduct additional focused research with JUPS faculty. The JUPS program is an academic community, and we consider advising and mentorship to be vital.

Conference attendance. JUPS students seeking support to attend a JUPS-related conference may submit a proposal (including the name of the conference/organization, the title of the student paper or other modes of participation, and a working budget for travel and registration) to the JUPS Directors at least 8 weeks prior to the conference. Students attending conferences in which they are delivering a paper or presentation will be given priority consideration. We regularly forward messages to JUPS social media about upcoming conferences, and we encourage our students to participate in them.

Study abroad, events/speakers, and special projects. JUPS students seeking support to attend a study abroad program, host an event or speaker on campus, or develop a JUPS-themed special project on campus or in the community may submit a proposal (containing all relevant academic and budgetary details) to the Directors. Such requests will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis and as annual funds permit. We strongly support our student’s personal research and professional development, as well as the overall development of JUPS as a vibrant academic community.

Internships, graduate studies, and career opportunities. Students seeking internships, other forms of employment, or graduate study options should consult with JUPS faculty members. We maintain an updated list of career resources on the program’s social networks and regularly distribute messages and postings on internships, graduate programs, and career opportunities. We also have access to various resources and published guides on Master’s and doctoral programs in the field. We strive to help students realize their goals during their undergraduate studies and beyond.

Awards.  The Program on Justice & Peace awards the McSorley Award annually. Students may also apply for awards through the Center for Social Justice including the 100 Projects for Peace Award and the Andretta Award. (Criteria and procedures for applying can be found on the CSJ website.)

Peer mentorship. JUPS students are encouraged to offer support and assistance to other students in the program, within the boundaries of academic integrity policies. JUPS students may volunteer to attend college fairs and other events highlighting the program, or assist with tabling at community events. JUPS students are seen as co-learners with the faculty, and as program ambassadors at large.

Alumni support. Graduates of the JUPS program are encouraged to remain in regular contact. Alumni accomplishments are often noted on the JUPS website. Alumni may be invited to participate in panels, workshops, classes, events, or other JUPS forums. Support for our students does not end upon graduation! We value your work in the world, and remain available to continue supporting it.

On-Campus Resources

Center for Research and Fellowships

Georgetown University Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (GUROP). For more information, please consult the GUROP tab on the Center for Research and Fellowships’ website.