Past Theses

Please click on the links below to view theses submitted each year.

An Education Entertainment Approach to HIV/AIDS Education for Adolescents In Ethiopia, Washington DC, and Brazil
by Isabel Aguirre-Kelly

Murder and Minerals: How Natural Resources Perpetuate Conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
by Emily Clark

Shifting Paradigms, Surmounting Stigma, And Strengthening Substitute Teaching Programs
by Marisa Edmonds

Sport as a Means of Imperial Subversion: A Historical Analysis of Cricket in the Former British Colonies of the West In the Former British Colonies of the West Indies
by Jan Gaetjens

Atrocity in the District: Human Trafficking in the Washington Metropolitan Area
by Abigail Gollege

The Business of Community-based Learning: Incorporating Reflection, Service and Social Change into Undergraduate Business Classes
by Diana Kolar

Sustaining Social Activism with Optimism: A case study of the attributional styles of Kwame Nkrumah and Kenneth Kaunda as indicators for sustaining nonviolent social activism to achieve national independence for Ghana (1957) and Zambia (1964)
by Kalli Krumpos

Judgments on Modern Day Slavery: An analysis of human trafficking in Latin America through the lens of the United States Department of State
by Meaghan LeMay

Communities verses Corporations: The Struggle for Justice in Appalachia 
by Hannah Lomax-Vogt

Digital Tools and Direct Action: An Analysis of the Role of the Internet in the Nonviolent Strategies of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution
by Lauren Reese

Loving the Stranger as Oneself: A Vision for Comprehensive US Immigration Reform from a Catholic Social Teaching Lens
by Thomas Scharff

Eyes Wide Open: Emancipating the Elderly Gay and Lesbian from Invisibility & Discrimination
by Theodore Semon

Health, Violence, and Human Security: Women and the sub-Saharan African HIV/AIDS Epidemic
by Carly Timm-Bijold

Repairing the Broken Windows: Community Development and the Built-Environment of Poor, Urban Neighborhoods in the United States
by Bryan Woll 

Nationalism, Violence and Cosmopolitanism
by Guillermo Barriga

Individual Responsibility in War: Empowering Every Soldier to Minimize Violence
by Helen Elizabeth Collier Burdett

To Live Fleshed and Strengthened on the Page: 
The Political Possibilities of Re-envisioning the Poor and Working-class Woman’s Body Through Literature
by Anastasia Doherty

The Voluntary Simplicity Movement: Countering Consumerism for Greater Environmental, Societal, and Spiritual Health
by Sindbad Fennimore

Race to the Top: Inequalities in Competition
by Diamond Graham

Shooting for Peace: Incorporating Photojournalism in the Theory of Peace Journalism
by Sarah Gormley

The Effects of Fossil Fuel Extraction in Peripheral Countries
by Mimi Ko

Not the Cure-all We Have Been Waiting For: An Exploration of Race and Choice in Charter Schools
by Elizabeth Lawton

Improving the Response to Interpersonal Violence at Georgetown University
by Danielle LoVallo  

Human Rights Learning: Education as a Means for Social Change
by Stephanie Morrison

Leading to Peace: Developing Transformational Leadership in Nepal’s Girls
by Claire Naylor

Getting Out and Going Back: Reentry and Reintegration of Formerly Incarcerated Persons
by Rachel Nyitray                  

The Deterioration of Human Rights in Zimbabwe
by Alexa Sebia

A Comparative Study of Three Detroit Public Schools
by Marissa Silapaswan

Bridging the Gap: Reconnecting Georgetown University’s Principles to its Practices
by Samantha Stevens

Arab and American: Hybrid Identities and Passing in Arab American Literature
by Brandi Streauslin

Forgiveness in South Africa: From the Personal to the Political and Back Again
by Katie Suter

Structural Violence and the Castro Regime: The Evolution of Attitudes and Values under Fifty Years of Communism
by Claudia Triana 

Justice Delayed is Justice Denied: Wartime Sexual Violence, Gender, and the Quest for the Truth
Joseph Tso

Bosnian Youth: The Excluded Segment of the Population with the Most Potential for Transformative Peacebuilding
By Kelsey Bristow

The Weight of the World: Collective Memory and Art of Witness in Dirty War Argentina
By Christine Coscia

International Human Rights, Humanitarian Law, and Guantanamo Bay: Calling for an End to Indefinite Detention

By Molly LeBlanc-Medeiros

Freedom from Control, Freedom to Control: Population Manipulation through Reproductive Justice <br “=””> By Mahika Roy

Community Involvement in Public Education: A Focus on the District of Columbia
By Dominique Mungin

Move Over, Ladies!: Applying Conflict Transformation Theory to Re-prioritize Women’s Rights
By Nicole K. Pedi

Approaching Change and Conflict in U.S. Communities: A Peacebuilding Model of Advocacy
By Kelsey Ranta

Opening Eyes and Saving Lives: A New, Justice and Peace Studies Perspective on Gender-Based Political Asylum 
By Brittany Schulman

Evolved Capitalism: Exploring an evolved capitalist paradigm that empowers individuals by promoting justice and peace while maximizing profits
By Maria Sevilla

Creating Guinea Pigs? An Assessment of the Efficacy of Conducting Research and HIV/AIDS Vaccine Trials in Sub-Saharan Africa
By Christina Sperle

The Minerals that Pay for War
By Robert Wiese

Improving Public Health in Marginalized Polluted Communities Through Mandated Green Technology Implementation
By Julie Wyszomierski

Labor of Love: A Living History of the Georgetown Solidarity Committee 1996-2008 
By Sarah David Heydemann

Internal Displacement in Colombia and Uganda: A Comparative Analysis of the National Policies for Internally Displaced Persons
By Meaghan Morris

Justice for All: Keeping Minority Youth Out of Detention 
By Lisa Pferdeort

The Funding Crisis in Public Higher Education: Causes, Debates, and Policy Recommendations for State Governments
By Jackie Stanley

Rape as an Instrument of War: An Examination of Sexual Violence in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo
By Katherine Albutt

The History of University of Dar es Salaam: Chronicling the Importance of the Student Voice
By Tanisha Douglas

Never Again: An Examination of Catholic-Jewish Relations in Light of the Holocaust
By Trevor Fleck

Documentary: The Regional Addiction Prevention, Inc. (RAP)
By Lena Jackson

Fair Trade: Leveling the Field
By Sung In Marshall

Confronting Pediatric Health Disparities in Washington, DC
By Karina Vivar

The Chinese Baby Trade: International Adoption and the Commodification of Baby Girls
By Katherine Ward

Flinging Wide the Doors: Intimate Relations in Independent Bookstores and the Elimination of Exclusiveness
By Liza Youngling

American Muslim Artistic Expressions post-9/11.
By Alaa Abuzaakouk

From ABC to A-Z: The United States and HIV/ AIDS Prevention Programs
By Sarah Audelo

Women in Resistance Movements 
By Iman Azzi

Beyond Traffic Cops: Expanding the Fight Against Human Trafficking in the United States 
By Anne Entwistle

Access Denied: The Ongoing Search for Women’s Reproductive Rights in Chile
By Sarah Flood

Advertising and Want Creation in the Affluent Society
By Anders Fremsted

Empowerment of Afro-Columbians Through Education: A Critical Study of the Fundacion Educativa Instituto Ecologico Barbacoas at the Island of Baru, in the District of Bolivar, Columbia 
By Alejandro Ganimian

Multinational Colonizers: A Study of MNCs and Human Rights Violations in Colombia
By Nilou Huff

The Internet: How it is changing the way we change the world. A Comparative Study
By Celeste Laramie

How Salvadoran Workers Empower Themselves and Actualize Their Vision: A Tale of Chicken Wings, Prison Walls, Flip-Flops, Just Garments, Factory Phantoms, and Ferris Wheel Spirituality
By Megan Murphy

Improving Washington, DC: Working to Achieve the Impossible?
By Stephanie Navarro

Justice in Fairness? Health and Justice Implications of Beauty Technologies: Skin Lightening Agents
By Jui Shah

Conflict Resolution: Peacebuilding versus Peacekeeping. A Personal Journey to Finding Justice and Peace
By Kah Yee Teh

Ethical War Policy when the Enemy Includes Child Soldiers.
By Elizabeth Vinci

The Power Politics of Soccer
by Harry Brammer

Hopes and Dreams: An Assessment of the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act of 2003 and Earned Adjustment Programs in the United States
by Benjamin Chan

Peace Education in Secondary Schools
by Emily Conger

The Political, Social and Health Implications of Trafficking of Women and Children in India
by Amrita Dirghangi

Creating the Best Atmosphere for Conflict Resolution Success: A Framework for the Future
by Brianne Draffin

George W. Bush in From Baghdad With Love: The Exploitation of Masculinity in Marketing the War in Iraq to the American Public
by Lisa Fuller 

Creating an Indigenous Space 
by Ingrid Garcia Ruiz 

Disparity in the American Public Education System 
by Mary Garvey 

Ecotourism in Uttaranchal, India: A Path to Sustainable Development 
by Alana Herro 

Responsibility for Criminal Acts and the Role of Society in Producing and Perpetuating a Criminal Class 
by Genesee Herzberg 

An Assessment of the No Child Left Behind Act Three Years Later: Meets Performance Standards, In Need of Improving, or Failing? 
by Nanayaa Korama Kumi 

Against All Odds: Successful Prison Reentry in an Age of Mass Incarceration 
by Sandy Lamy 

A Guide to Student Activism: The Living Wage and Fair Trade Jasmine Rice 
by Virginia Leavell 

Sexually Transmitted: The Creation of a Comprehensive College Sexual Health Campaign 
by Kevin Miniter 

Narratives of African-American Women 
by Deidre Moskowitz 

Piles of Lead 
by Mary Nagle 

Banking on the World’s Poor: Microfinancing and the Fight Against Poverty 
by Sabrina Nguyen 

Pain is Beauty 
by Elizabeth Reitano 

Child Soldiers 
by Sarah Robinson 

Proactive Peacekeeping for Effective Peace: Rethinking United Nations Peacekeeping Operations 
by Luisa Seferis 

American Values, American Interests: The United States and Free-Market Democracy in the Middle East 
by Liam Stack 

The Living Wage Campaign 
by Michael Wilson 

The Disproportionate Impact of HIV/AIDS Among Young (13-24), African American Females, East of the River, Washington D.C.
by Katie Capano 

An Examination of the Latent Presence of Imperialism in Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Books 
by Cristina DeFazio 

Peace Education: Understanding the Human Experience and its Future 
by Lizzie Gelber 

Capital Punishment in the United States: An Analysis of Its Widespread Support 
by Laura Hart 

Taoism, Anarchism and Radical Ecology: synthesizing a vision for harmony and transformation 
by Eli Jelly-Schapiro 

Promoting Sustainable Livelihoods through Trade: Fair Trade as a Vehicle for Economic, Social, and Environmental Sustainability in Coffee Production in Coto Brus, Costa Rica 
by Janet Lawson 

Letting the Media In-Linguistic aspects of television news that shape our world 
by Kate McDonald 

Propaganda in America: The Many Facets of Disinformation 
by Matt Murphy 

Vindication at Last: The Role of Chilean Human Rights Organizations in the Pinochet Case 
by Catherine Norris 

Post-9/11 Islamophobia in the United States 
by Sorell Richard 

Paz en Colombia: A Discussion of the Violent Policies of the U.S. and Colombian Administrations in their “Peacemaking” Efforts in Colombia and the Search for an Environment for Negotiations 
by Nikki Smirl

The Anatomy of a Public Servant: John J. Dilulio, Jr in The White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiative
by Kara Ward

The Unfinished Business of Civil Rights: A Discussion of Enfranchisement, Criminal Justice, and Wealth in the Context of Post-Reconstruction and Jim Crow 
by Miranda Wilson 

Loud and Clear: How America Is Understood Around the World – Current Problems and Potential Solutions 
by Victoria Wilson 

Testimony of Truth: A Comparison of the Truth Commissions in Argentina, Chile, El Salvador, and Guatemala and Other Cultural Expressions of Testimony 
by Kendall Zanowiak

Perennial Practice: The Wisdom and Exercises of Spiritual Masters and Their Relevance to the Contemporary Struggle for Peace and Justice
by Andrew Belasco

“My School is Doomed”: The Impact on Turner Elementary School’s Material Culture in the Eyes and Lives of its Students
by Johanna Belcher

Triple Militancy: Utilizing the Strengths of Developing Countries’ Governments and Women’s NGO to Overcome Barriers in the Fight for Women’s Rights 
by Luisa Boyarski

Struggle for Rights: Claiming Indigenous Identity in Amazonian Ecuador 
by Kate Aiello 

The Process of Emerging: Educating Nigerian Girls for Success in the Post-Colonial French System 
by Meghan Colleen Gallagher 

Effective Peacekeeping: The Need for Consensus Politics: A Case Study of Northern Ireland 
by Tina Shaughnessy 

Understanding UNTAC: An Analysis of United Nations Peacekeeping in Cambodia 
by Carolyn Elizabeth Waldrep 

Marriage Promotion in Welfare Reform 
by Shawn Chang 

Composing the ‘Native’: The American Media Image of Africa and the Colonial Discourse 
by Kevin DuMouchelle 

The ‘English Only’ Movement: More Than Just a Loss of Tongues 
by Valia Glytsis 

Catholic Hope as the Ultimate Peace 
by Andrew Goodrich 

Possibilities for Partnerships between NGOs and Corporations to Promote Labor Rights in the Americas 
by Michael Levinson 

The Power of the Dollar: Consumer Activism in the 20th Century–From the National Consumers’ League to the Student Antisweatshop Movement 
by Adam Smith 

The Power of the People: Faith-Based Community Coalitions and IAF Organizing for Living Wages in Spokane and Washington, DC 
by Vanessa Waldref 

Criminals and Cops Transformed: An Examination into the Nature and Significance of the Changing Dynamics of Transnational Organized Crime 
by Eric Christensen 

Burning the Cigar at Both Ends: The Hypocrisy of the United States Government in the Crusade against Castro 
by Dennis Graham 

Avoiding the Next Vietnam: An Examination of Constitutional War Powers 
by Jake Klonoski 

Borders: Success Without Peace 
by Kirran Syed

Multilateral Peace Operations in Africa: An Approach for the 21st Century  by Allison Atieh 

Aid as a Peacemaker: A View from Burundi 
by Ozsel Belei 

Gandhi’s Spiritual Policies: Perennial Philosophy in Action 
by Adam Benjamin Leonard 

Planting the Seeds for the Promised Land: The New Model of the Catholic Church in El Salvador 
by Veronica Lerma 

Securing a Place for Women: Infusing Inclusivity in Human Rights 
by Monica Mecca 

Rationalizing Evil: The Revolutionary United Front and the Logic of Violence 
by Victoria Salinas 

Unequal Outside and Inside the Courtroom: Rape and the Law in the U.S. 
by Maggie Sklar 

A Human Rights Violation: An Examination of the American Education System 
by Elizabeth Sturges 

Issues and Values in Making Shoes in Vietnam 
by Jennifer Yuen