Major Requirements

The Justice and Peace Studies (JUPS) major at Georgetown comprises eleven courses: five core courses and six electives. JUPS majors are expected to take the core courses at Georgetown.

Core Courses

JUPS majors are required to take six electives. One of these electives should satisfy the requirement for Theories or Theology of Peace and Justice selected from courses offered as JUPS electives or from those designated as cross-listed. On the registrar’s schedule, these are marked with the attribute “jups x-list.” At least two courses out of the six electives must be from JUPS elective courses.

JUPS Majors must also fulfill the Service Learning Requirement that can be taken concurrently as an elective course by taking a community-based learning (CBL) course by selecting attribute CBL in my course schedule, a UNXD1130 course, UNXD2250, JUPS4951, or an immersive course.